Frequently Asked Questi0ns
How do you benefit us?
We help you, the seller, by finding you a buyer for any inventory that has not moved off the lot. We do this very efficiently as we offer a forum for you to advertise on within a monthly cost per vehicle, or a monthly subscription; whichever helps you the most within a proper financial reason. We connect you to our over 3,000 subscribers on our blog, and many more, via word of mouth and our newsletter.
What is the cost of the blog subscription?
We charge a subscription of 120 dollars per month for unlimited or 8 dollars per month by car. It is low risk and fairly priced, especially as with the unlimited, it is truly unlimited advertising, videos, images, and all the contacts you could want to avoid any contact fees that could incur by our help. Let us help you move that car off your lot before those inventory taxes hit.
Hey I’m a dealer, where is my discount?
Not to worry. As a dealer, we assume we will get a high volume of your vehicles through our site, so long as we help on our end of the deal. If we see a monthly subscription, any other service such as exterior contact with private viewers will; be discounted at 10% or ten dollars less per hour of contact. We will also discount our rate of charge for finding you a buyer by 5%, which depending on the car's value, can be a large lump sum.
How much does this cost?
The service of simply connecting you to a buyer is a low fee service, so long as the vehicle trying to be sold is reasonably sought after. If the car is in a color that is typically indesirable, we do typically charge more as it is harder to find a buyer, but as with any business price is negotiable based on how much business we have done with each other.